Supervising Mental Health First Aid (2 day) - 17th/18th June 2020

The two-day mental health first aid course is aimed at Managers who want to become certified mental health first aiders within their organisation. You will learn skills to help recognise the signs and symptoms of common mental health conditions; how to offer support; and effectively guide your colleague towards the right professional organisations. 

You will be instrumental in increasing mental health self awareness, changing company culture by educating colleagues and ultimately reducing stigmatisation towards mental health. 

Learning how to create a safe place within the workplace is pivotal. Colleagues will feel encouraged to attend work knowing that if a crisis happens, there are provisions in place to make them feel safe and valued. 

Course Details

Course Date 17 Jun 2020 9:00 am
Course End Date 18 Jun 2020 5:00 pm
Available places 6
Individual Price £260.00
Location Bloxham Mill, Bloxham

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